
1:20 p.m.

Jees.. I am am sooo tired!! Not good.. anyway I at the end of the working week and the beginnign of a (hopefully) restful weekend... but I have a screaming headache and my sight is poor again... :( I hate the job and I am dreading Monday... :( Cant be right can it?? after only just starting the job!! hehe oh well.. either way it will be good if I can earn enough money to pay towards the honeymoon.. or at least pay off some bills or something..

well ok.. I am knackered and I cant see right so I am off.. just thought I better make an entry before I look back and think FUCK! Qhat was I up to thta week!! hehehe


huff - 2004-03-11
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3weeks2days - 2004-02-26
Help Me - 2004-02-25
fears - 2004-02-17