
9:26 a.m.

OK... so where was I.. humm Adrian.. oh yeah.. ok.. I was with him for three years when I found out I was pregnant.. I was 21 and my parents didnt like the idea that I was pregnant without being married!! pah!

Anyway Adrian went all strange then... he wouldnt come near me I thoguth he would be pleased to be honest but he was distant and wouldnt speak to me.. his mum said it was because he was in shock...

His parents are a different kettle of fish though.. both chronic alcoholics and battered each other ona regular basis.. so her advice went in one ear and out of another..!

SO anyway.. I asked Adrian one day why he was like it.. he said that his mum had told him that I was pregnant with his mates baby... not even slightly funny.. I moved out and lived on my own...

Within a few months Adrian came with me and he was hell bent on being a good father.. I was proud of him... I couldnt wait to be a family!

Ok so at the end of Novemeber that yeah I gave birth.. by emerg. c section to my son.. his son... our son... and he was perfect... although early he was perfect..! I was excited about a normal life together at last...

I came out of hospital in December and brought baby home... just in time for Christmas.. I couldnt wait..! It was great.. very tireing but great..

huff - 2004-03-11
Bruce Almighty - 2004-02-27
3weeks2days - 2004-02-26
Help Me - 2004-02-25
fears - 2004-02-17