
10:09 a.m.

I just discovered that I have people who read my diary... :) yay for you... :) hehehe

I have been soooooooo busy... I am soooo tired.... :( But I have got most of the wedding invites done now.. Yay! Last night Craig and I went round delivering them.. and it was nice.. :) The ones we could go and see we did to give out the invites.. and the ones we couldnt.. I didnt I posted them int he mail...

The problem is though that they have sugar flower daisies on the front... three of them and they are really fragile... so I am not sure if they are gonna get there in one piece.... :( I really hope that they do of course... but I am not too sure... :( I have tried to protect them int he envelope.. btu I am just not too sure... :( But I guess we will start having calls or somethign about them soon... and I will be able to ask them if they were ok...

I still have 20 to make... :( I burn my fingers witht eh glue gun whiel I make them.. and My fingers are still sore... it is a bit sensitive to type.. :( Oh well.. I wanted to update... I understand that there are some problems for some people getting on to Diarland... I hope that doesnt last much longer....

Not sleeping too well... but am still losing a little bit of weight... although today everything has gone out of the window... I am really really hungry.... Grrrr.... On a day where there is nothing to do but watch tv and type... bummer...

Anyway talkign of food..


huff - 2004-03-11
Bruce Almighty - 2004-02-27
3weeks2days - 2004-02-26
Help Me - 2004-02-25
fears - 2004-02-17