
5:11 p.m.


ok really tired now... Had a bit of a hard day.. researching stuff for my father and housework then out to the dress shop for fitting at last..! Nightmare.. it has taken me all week to get the dress ordered!!

Oh well all done now.. :) Yay! I now have a dress to wear on the day of the wedding... !

which is only 126 days away!!

I soo cant wait.. I am really looking forward to it!!! Anyway.. ermm what to say.. I dotn think there is anything to say..

Pussy tat's are still poorly.. :( Pepsi Sprite and Loulie.. are still suffering.. :( If they are sick again I am going straight to the vets!!! I wont pass go and I wont collect �200... I will prolly spend it..!

oh well it is only money!


huff - 2004-03-11
Bruce Almighty - 2004-02-27
3weeks2days - 2004-02-26
Help Me - 2004-02-25
fears - 2004-02-17